Olive Leaf Extract
A Proven Natural Way
to Deal with Hypertension

Olive boost
Olive Leaf Extract
A Natural Guaranteed Way to Deal with High Blood Pressure!

1. High Blood Pressure – Definition

Blood pressure is the pressure that the blood circulating in our organism exerts on the walls of our arteries. The values accepted for normal blood pressure are 100 to 140 mmHg (upper limit) and 60 to 90 mmHg (lower limit). High Blood Pressure, also called Arterial Hypertension, is also considered when the regularly measured values are above 140/90 mmHg.

Arterial hypertension, often called the Silent Killer, because about 50% of the people who suffer from it are unaware of their condition, is one of the most serious risk factors and prerequisites for the following health problems:

- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Ischemic heart disease
- Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
- Arterial aneurysm
- Atrial Fibrillation (A-fib, AF)
- Heart failure
- Hypertensive Retinopathy
- Hypertensive Nephropathy
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Cognitive Disorders
- Dementia

Globally, Hypertension is a problem for over 1 billion people, with over 76 million of those in the United States. In 2015, every 1 in 4 men and every 1 in 5 women had hypertension, as fewer than 1 in 5 people have this problem under control. About 1 in 3 Americans have prehypertension, while only half of those with high blood pressure have their condition under control. In 2016, in the US there were 82,735 deaths primarily attributed to High Blood Pressure. (1)

In the EU- 28, in 2015 1.91 million deaths resulted from diseases of the circulatory system equal to 36.7% of all deaths. According to Eurostat, the highest shares of self-reported hypertensive diseases among the population aged 15 years and over were recorded in Hungary (31.9 %), Bulgaria (29.6 %), Latvia (29.4 %), Germany (28.5 %) and Lithuania (28.1 %). The lowest shares were recorded in France (14.4 %), Ireland (15.5 %), Sweden (16.2 %), the United Kingdom (16.4 %) and the Benelux countries (all below 17.0 %); Norway (12.7 %) and Turkey (16.1 %) also reported low shares.
Hypertension is one of the major causes for premature death around the world.

1. Benjamin EJ, Muntner P, Alonso A, Bittencourt MS, Callaway CW, Carson AP, Chamberlain AM, Chang AR, Cheng S, Das SR, Delling FN, Djousse L,Elkind MSV, Ferguson JF, Fornage M, Jordan LC, Khan SS, Kissela BM, Knutson KL, Kwan TW, Lackland DT, Lewis TT, Lichtman JH, Longenecker CT, Loop MS, Lutsey PL, Martin SS, Matsushita K, Moran AE, Mussolino ME, O'Flaherty M, Pandey A, Perak AM, Rosamond WD, Roth GA, Sampson UKA, Satou GM, Schroeder EB, Shah SH, Spartano NL, Stokes A, Tirschwell DL, Tsao CW, Turakhia MP, VanWagner LB, Wilkins JT, Wong SS, Virani SS; on behalf of the American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Heart disease and stroke statistics - 2019 update: a report from the American Heart Association [published online ahead of print January 31, 2019]. Circulation. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000659.

2. High Blood Pressure Symptoms and Causes

Some of the main risk factors for developing high blood pressure are:

- Aging
- Being Overweight - increasing the risk up to 5 times
- High Cholesterol Levels, Learn More Here!
- Using salt in large quantities
- Excessing consumption of alcohol
- Excessive caffeine consumption
- Stress and Depression
- Smoking
- Lack of physical activity
- Genetic predisposition
- Insulin resistance
- Endocrine Disorders
- Kidney disease
- Pregnancy
- Sleep Apnea

As already mentioned, the reason for being called the Silent Killer is that often, hypertension may be present with no symptoms. It often gets detected accidentally when we go to a routine checkup or when we go to the doctor due to unrelated health issues, this is long after high blood pressure has caused significant damage to the human body.

Sometimes, these symptoms can be observed:

- Headache - usually at the back of the head
- Tinnitus
- Dizziness
- Palpitations
- Throbbing in the hands and feet
- Change in eyesight
- Seizures
- Bleeding

3. Ways to Fight and Lower High Blood Pressure

Доктор измерва кръвно налягане на възрастна жена
Once arterial hypertension is detected, one should take immediate action to address this problem, since the longer it is neglected, the more permanent damage can be done to many organs in the body. This can lead to developing accompanying diseases or to complications of already existing ones and this often ends fatally.

After identifying the problem, usually with the first prescription, many of us have heard the doctor say that "once started, the pills will be taken for life." However, this isn't always the case - our advice is - give your body a chance to overcome this problem ... and try to help your organism recover from it.

To lower your blood pressure, try changing your daily routine.

- Reduce salt, sugar and alcohol consumption
- Exercise more often
- Try to lose a couple of pounds
- Reduce smoking
- Try to eliminate the stress factor
- Take advantage of the natural ways to cleanse your organism - numerous natural products are known to be effective
Here we have gathered information showing the great news that several scientific studies give us serious reason to believe there is a natural way to fight high blood pressure, and without the side effects risks that come with medication intake.

4. Research on Olive Leaf Extract's Impact on High Blood Pressure

A study observed how taking intravenously dried olive leaves infusion had no negative effect on normal blood pressure while reducing blood pressure in hypertension caused by renin and norepinephrine.

R. Kosak and P. Stern, "Examination of the hypotensive activity of folium olivae," Acta Pharmaceutica Jugoslavia, vol. 6, pp. 121–132, 1956.
A study demonstrates how ethanol or chloroform olive leaf extract results in a slow decrease in blood pressure after prolonged use.

E. Luibl, "Leaves of the olive tree in hypertension," Medizinische Monatsschrift für Pharmazeuten, vol. 12, pp. 181–182, 1958.
Injected on subjects with 11-Deoxycorticosterone Acetate-induced hypertension, ethanol extract from olive leaves has been active against it.

C. Circosta, F. Occhiuto, A. Gregorio, S. Toigo, and A. de Pasquale, "The cardiovascular activity of the shoots and leaves of Olea europaea L. and oleuropein," Plantes Medicinales et Phytotherapie, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 264–277, 1990.
- A clinical trial of water-based olive leaf extract was conducted on two groups of respectively 12 and 18 patients with the disease. Patients were treated with 1.6 µg / day olive leaf extract for up to three months after 15 days of placebo treatment, the experiment showed a significant decrease in their blood pressure with no side effects.

S. Cherif, N. Rahal, M. Haouala et al., "A clinical trial of a titrated Olea extract in the treatment of essential arterial hypertension," Journal de Pharmacie de Belgique, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 69–71, 1996.

Корица на списанието "Ethno-Pharmacology"
Triterpenoids isolated from olive leaves have been administered for 6 weeks treatment of subjects with insulin-resistant hypertension, the observed result was prevention of developing the disease, and atherosclerosis prevention and improvement of the insulin resistance.

L. I. Somova, F. O. Shode, P. Ramnanan, and A. Nadar, "Antihypertensive, antiatherosclerotic and antioxidant activity of triterpenoids isolated from Olea europaea, subspecies africana leaves," Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 84, no. 2-3, pp. 299–305, 2003.
Корица на книгата "Phyto medecine"
A research of the cardiotonic effects of three triterpenoids:
- Uvaol
- Ursolic Acid
- Oleanolic Acid

isolated from olive leaves shows a significant vasodepressor effect.

L. I. Somova, F. O. Shode, and M. Mipando, "Cardiotonic and antidysrhythmic effects of oleanolic and ursolic acids, methyl maslinate and uvaol," Phytomedicine, vol. 11, no. 2-3, pp. 121–129, 2004.
Корица на списанието "Phyto medecine"
A parallel randomized clinical trial was performed on patients with first-stage hypertension to evaluate the antihypertensive effects of olive leaf extract compared to a reference drug widely used. The olive leaf extract was administered at a dose of 500 mg twice daily, while the control group was treated with 25 mg of the medicament twice daily for 8 weeks. All patients showed a significant decrease in their systolic and diastolic pressure after the treatment, and in patients treated with olive leaf extract, the results were better than those treated with the conventional medicinal drug.

E. Susalit, N. Agus, I. Effendi et al., "Olive (Olea europaea) leaf extract effective in patients with stage-1 hypertension: comparison with Captopril," Phytomedicine, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 251–258, 2011.
One of the main mechanisms of action of the Extract is because the oleuropein contained in it at a high concentration has very strong beneficial effects on arterial resistance and stiffness. It improves endothelial function, preventing the onset of vascular changes, and correcting the changes that had occurred. Its calcium antagonistic properties have an additional antihypertensive effect, while another known mechanism of action is the inhibition of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) by the oleacin that is contained in the extract.

5. Olive Boost – An Olive Leaf Extract That Successfully Deals with Hypertension

The olive leaf extract we have created- Olive Boost is the best it could possibly be - a product that will give you reliable support from Nature in your efforts to deal with the High Blood Pressure.

Why are we unique?

- Because olives have been our lives for the last four generations
- Because the technology we work with has been created and improved with all this experience and pursuing perfection
- Because we are the only one in Greece
- Because we collect the leaves from specially selected areas only during the Spring
- Because we use only fresh leaves
- Because we use no chemicals
- Because we know how many people have been helped by Olive Boost in their fight with hypertension

With the normally recommended intake of 10 drops of Olive Boost twice a day, the effects of the already regulated processes of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems usually begin to be observed about 3 weeks after the start of administration. A steady high blood pressure-lowering effect occurs, which would normally make necessary a slow gradual decrease in standard medication intake. Since this is a complex and individual process, please contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice about the reduction of medicines if needed.

The results from the intake are strictly individual. In case of existing medical conditions and other medications, please consult your doctor regarding the possible interactions between them.
Learn more about Olive Boost and its other numerous health benefits...

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